
Zen for Google Sheets features


Have a feature request?

Send us any feature requests you may have at zen@pebblestream.com, we'd love to hear from you!

Table of Features (beta)

Add DirectivesEasily add directives to your spreadsheets
Run the whole spreadsheetUpdate your spreadsheet with the latest data when a directive has been added.
Run individual sheetsUpdate each worksheet and its dependencies with the latest data whenever a new directive has been added, or input worksheet data has changed.
Sync buttonTroubleshoot if a new worksheet/data isn't updated on our interface yet. Our technology also automatically detects if something is out of sync between your spreadsheet and our interface.
Directive UsedA table containing ONLY worksheets that contain directives.
Worksheet DetailsManage your used directives and their dependencies on this screen.
'Info'Our 'info' button opens up guides that are readily available on the interface at all times.
🚀 Feedback WidgetAttached to every screen, use our feedback widget to report issues, provide feedback, or make feature requests.
Worksheet Styling & ThemingNo more worrying about formatting and beautifying your worksheets manually; our styling & themes automatically format and beautify your worksheets.