Release Notes

Release: 1.1.0 [2022-09-07]

Bug Fix
FeatureRemoved API to save pebble output as an Excel spreadsheet.This feature was ill-placed in the runtime. We will release runtime-utils shortly to contain this and other functionality.
Bug FixPebble Stream runtime did not compute if statements without an else conditionCompiler and analyzer both accept if statements without else conditions.

Release: 1.0.1 [2022-07-28]

Bug Fix
Bug FixFix >= and <= detection in filter directive compilationThe analyzer sometimes fails to pick up the filter directive's greater and less than equal signs. This release fixes this issue.
Bug FixConvert new smart quote character to canonical quote during compilation.Some spreadsheet implementations use different characters for quoting. This release recognizes more of those characters as quotes.
Bug FixReturn nil always when looking past the length of a previously computed sheet.In certain circumstances, the runtime will revert to template values if it detects that the input sheet is not provided. This behavior has been corrected.

Release: 1.0.0 [2021-07-01]

Bug Fix
FeatureTransformative DirectivesSeveral transformative directives including joins, filters, drag downs, and group sums
FeatureAnnotative DirectivesDirectives to detect errors, produce warnings, and validate data.
FeatureOver 100 Excel Formulas and OperatorsInitial set of Excel formula implementations.