
Combine rows in multiple worksheets to get all possibilities. A step-by-step.

When applying the cartesian product directive to two worksheets A and B, this directive pairs every row in worksheet B with every row in worksheet A. The resulting row set would have as many rows as the total number of rows in worksheet A multiplied by the total number of rows in worksheet B.

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Use Case Tip

Cartesian products are great for applying multiple discounts to a customer's basket of items. Whenever you have a group of percentages that you need to apply to every item using a cartesian product is a good bet.

Adding 'cartesian-product'

Step 1: Click the "Add Directive" button on your dashboard


Step 2: Choose "Cartesian-product"


Step 3: Select the worksheets you'd like to add

For 'cartesian-product', you'll be able to connect more than 2 worksheets.

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For 'cartesian-product', you'll be able to connect more than 2 worksheets.


Easily remove your extra selection

Step 4: Once you're happy with your selection, click 'Add'


Step 5: Name your output worksheet

This will be where your output data from connecting the worksheet by adding 'from' will be.


Step 6: Once you've inputted your output worksheet name, you're ready to add the directive!


Voilà, success!

Your spreadsheet will automatically take you to the output worksheet. See the results of combining those worksheets you've choosen!


For more technical and in-depth information on our 'cartesian-product' directive, do visit our Pebble Stream Enterprise Documentation

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