Release Notes

Zen release notes and known issues.

Release: 0.8.0 [2023-02-14]

FeatureSortZen can now sort worksheets by multiple columns in ascending or descending order.
FeatureGroup SortSort is now a sub-directive for grouping.
Bug fixGroup SortUsers can no longer choose to sort columns that are not available after grouping.
FeatureAppearanceUsers can change the appearance of output worksheets in Google Sheets. Headers can be highlighted, rows can have alternating colors, and gridlines can be removed.

Release: 0.8.0 [2022-09-13]

FeatureFilterZen now inspects the column's data type and changes the filter language accordingly.
FeatureSlackAdd a link in the drop-down menu to join Zen's beta testing Slack group.
FeatureDirective Present WarningZen provides a warning whenever a user tries to add a directive to a worksheet that already has one.
Bug fixWorksheet Details ScreenCartesian Product is incorrectly categorized as a sub-directive.

Release: 0.7.0 [2022-09-08]

FeatureFilterZen now inspects the column's data type and changes filter language accordingly.

Release: 0.6.0 [2022-08-30]

FeatureFilterEnhanced filtering capabilities. Users can now specify AND and OR conditions with filters.
Bug FixUI PresentationFixed several UI presentation issues.
FeatureSuccess ScreenUpdated success screen iteration.

Release: 0.5.0 [2022-08-23]

FeatureGroup RatioGroup rows by common criteria, then compute the ratio that the value represents given the sum of all the values in the specified column.
Bug FixUI PresentationFixed several UI presentation issues.Add a link in the drop-down menu to join Zen's beta testing Slack group.

Release: 0.4.0 [2022-08-16]

FeatureGroup EqualGroup rows by common criteria, then indicate whether or not all the values under the specified column are equal.
FeatureGroup CoalesceMade this feature the default option whenever applying a Group directive.

Release: 0.3.0 [2022-08-09]

FeatureGroup MultGroup rows by common criteria, then product the associated numbers in the specified column.

Release: 0.2.0 [2022-08-02]

FeatureFilterFilter rows in one worksheet into another worksheet by specified criteria.

Release: 0.1.0 [2022-08-02]

FeatureGroup SumGroup rows by common criteria, then sum the associated numbers in the specified column.

Release: 0.0.0 [2022-07-19]

FeatureAutomated RunsPush button execution of all saved directives in a spreadsheet.
FeatureSync DetectionDetects changes in a worksheet that will require Zen's analysis.
FeatureFromCopy data from one worksheet to another
FeatureMatch-rowsDrag down formulas by combining two worksheets
FeatureJoinLeft Join two worksheets by common criteria
FeatureOuter JoinOuter Join two worksheets by common criteria
FeatureCartesian ProductJoin every row with one worksheet to every row of one or more other worksheets.